Using The Libraries - Submit a Ticket

We are happy to help you. Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of your library visit:

  • Please bring your UMA ID card every time you come to the library. You need it to borrow books, use the photocopier, and print from our computers.
  • Please check in with us after you get your UMA ID so that we can activate your card.
  • We have computers and WiFi access for both students/staff/faculty and community guests.


UMA community members may borrow books, DVDs, and other items for the following periods:

  • Books: 4 weeks
  • Periodicals: 1 week
  • Videos: 2 weeks
  • Course Reserves: varies – please call ahead for details.


Be sure you know the due date for any library materials you check out. You will receive an email notice of any overdue books. Returning or renewing books promptly at this point will avoid all fines. Your next notice will be an emailed bill for $55.00. If you return books after they have been billed to you, your fines for any UMS Library items will be removed.


If no one else is waiting for the books checked out to you, you may renew them by phone, in person, or through LibrarySearch. Renewal lets you avoid all overdue notices and bills. NOTE: Some items are unable to be renewed.

Community Access:

  • Members of the local community aged 18 and older may request a free library card to borrow materials. All requests for community library cards must be accompanied by a photo ID.
  • Community cards provide access to in-library borrowing, LibrarySearch and MaineCat requestor borrowing
  • Community cards do not provide remote access to UMA licensed indexes, journals, and databases. Vendor agreements limit use of these resources to UMA students, faculty, and staff.