UMA Libraries' Policies

Policies govern the development and use of library collections, the use of computers and the internet by the UMA community, as well as our physical spaces. Read below to learn about UMA policies established in the service of the libraries’ mission. UMA Libraries primarily serves the needs of UMA students, staff, faculty, and alumni. Patrons not affiliated with UMA are also welcome to study and use the space during normal business hours.

Collection Development Policy

UMA Libraries collects materials that support the academic curriculum of the University in a variety of formats, including books, periodicals, government documents, videos, sound recordings, microfilm, and online indexes and databases. Katz Library also houses the Terry Plunkett Collection of Contemporary Maine Writers and is a participant in the Maine Census Data Center Program.

Development of the library collection is a collaborative project involving librarians and faculty. Librarians are responsible for overseeing the development of the collection in their areas of interest or specialization. Suggestions for book orders and other materials are welcome. The library encourages purchase requests, although budget considerations may mean that not all titles can be purchased.

Unfortunately, textbooks are not purchased for the Libraries' collections. Library staff understand that the cost of textbooks is a barrier to success for far too many UMA students. However, approximately 85% of existing course textbooks are unavailable to libraries in any other format than print due to textbook publishers building their profit models around selling e-textbooks directly to students. Among major textbook publishers that will not allow libraries to purchase an e-textbook version of their publications are Pearson, Cengage, McGraw Hill, Oxford University Press Canada, Elsevier imprints (especially in veterinary and health science), and Houghton. If your course curriculum requires textbooks by these publishers, students who do not purchase the textbook will not have any alternative access to the textbook content. 

For a detailed collection development policy for the Katz and Nottage Libraries, please visit the UMA Libraries Collection Development Policy.

Computer and Internet Use Policy

  • Library computers are for academic research related to our mission and other educational purposes.
  • Use of computers for illegal activities is prohibited.
  • UMA Libraries reserves the right to restrict access to its computers.
  • Keep food and drink away from the computers.
  • Drinks must be in covered containers.
  • Respect the equipment and other people.
  • Computers are for student and faculty use and require an ID and password to log in. Log out before leaving your workstation. Computer login credentials are available for public patrons. Please see staff to acquire daily login information.
  • Do not save important documents on library computers’ Desktop or c:\drive. Instead, safely save in the x:\ drive (Student folder), on removable media (USB drive), or Google Drive. The x:\ drive is cleared regularly.

Printing, Copying, and Scanning

  • Katz Library: Printers located on 1st and 2nd Library floors.
  • Nottage Library: Printer located next to the computer cluster.
  • Copying and scanning available with the printer/copiers. High-resolution scanners are also available in each library.

After submitting documents to print, use your UMA ID card on any printer systemwide to release print job.

Payment (4 cents/page for black-and-white, 10 cents/page for color) is deducted from money on your student ID card. 

Please visit the Transact eAccounts Portal to check your account status or add funds to your account. There is also a link in the Launchpad of the UMA MyCampus Portal:

Loaner Laptops

  • Katz Library and Nottage Library have a limited number of loaner laptops available for check out.
  • Laptops check out for 7 days.
  • There are a small number of laptops available for check out for the entire semester. 
  • Sign in to the laptop while ON campus in order to use it OFF campus.
  • Users must sign a laptop loaner agreement upon their first laptop check out.

UMA Libraries Patron Behavior Policy

UMA Libraries strive to create a welcoming and productive environment for all patrons that supports academic success, collaboration, and access to resources. Library patrons are expected to respect the purpose of the library and adhere to all regulations and policies to ensure an atmosphere conducive to learning and research. Behaviors that disrupt library operations or harm library property are not acceptable and may result in disciplinary action, including suspension of library privileges or involvement of university administration or law enforcement.

General Guidelines:

  1. Patrons are expected to act in a manner respectful of other library users and staff, maintaining a quiet and focused atmosphere.
  2. Food and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted. To protect library resources, food and beverages are not allowed near computers, shelving, or other sensitive equipment. Spills must be reported immediately to library staff.
  3. Patrons must follow the posted Computer and Internet Use Policy, including copyright compliance and appropriate use of library computers and Wi-Fi.
  4. Children aged 12 and under must be supervised by an adult at all times. Supervising adults are responsible for ensuring children adhere to library policies. 
  5. Patrons are asked to keep noise to a minimum and take phone calls outside designated quiet areas.
  6. Shoes must be worn at all times while in the library.
  7. Only service animals necessary for personal assistance are allowed in the library.

Prohibited Conduct:

The following behaviors are prohibited within UMA Libraries:

  • Disruptive Behavior: This includes loud talking, threatening language, intimidating behavior, harassment of any kind (including sexual harassment), or other conduct that disturbs others.
  • Property Damage: Tampering with or damaging library materials, furniture, or equipment, including marking, defacing, or removing pages from books.
  • Unauthorized Removal of Materials: All materials must be checked out properly. Attempting to remove items without authorization will trigger security measures and may result in disciplinary action.
  • Inappropriate Use of Spaces or Equipment: Library furniture, technology, and other equipment must be used only for their intended purposes.
  • Unauthorized Activities: Sleeping, smoking, use of tobacco or vaping products, and use of wheeled equipment (e.g., bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades) are not allowed in the library. Bikes must be stored in racks outside the building.
  • Blocking Pathways: Aisles, entrances, and exits must remain clear at all times.
  • Failure to Exit: Patrons must leave promptly at closing time or during emergencies and may not attempt to remain after the library has closed.
  • Emergency Exits: Emergency exits are to be used only in actual emergencies.


Library staff have the authority to address policy violations, and patrons may be asked to leave the library if behavior is deemed disruptive or non-compliant. Serious or repeated violations may result in further action, including the loss of library privileges, referral to university administration, or legal consequences.

Community Access:

Members of the local community aged 18 and older may request a free library card to borrow materials. Additional Community Access Information. Patrons using library services are expected to comply with all policies outlined above. By adhering to this policy, patrons help ensure that UMA Libraries remain a welcoming and supportive environment for all.

UMA Libraries Events and Spaces Policy

UMA Libraries provide spaces to support the university’s mission of learning, collaboration, and community engagement. Library spaces are primarily reserved for library-sponsored programs, instruction, and events. However, in certain cases, UMA departments, organizations, or offices may request to use library spaces for workshops, events, or informational sessions.

Event Spaces

  • Library spaces may be reserved for university-affiliated or non-university-affiliated events on a case-by-case basis, depending on availability, the nature of the event, and the time of year.
  • All requests must be submitted through the General Manager – Event and Conference Services ( and are subject to review and approval by library staff.

Group Study Rooms (Zoom Rooms)

  • UMA Libraries provide group study rooms for UMA students, staff, and faculty.
  • Study rooms can be reserved at the Circulation Desk.
  • Rooms are intended for academic use including viewing a distance course, group work, studying, and project collaboration.
  • For additional information, view our full Zoom Room Guidelines.

Exhibit and Display Spaces

  • UMA Libraries offer display spaces for exhibits of interest to the university community.
  • Displays must align with the library’s mission and be approved in advance.
  • UMA departments, groups, or individuals may request display space by contacting the Director of Library Services (

General Guidelines for Space Use

  • Events and displays must comply with all library policies and should not disrupt regular library operations.
  • Event organizers are responsible for the setup, cleanup, and any equipment needs.
  • No food or beverages are allowed near sensitive library equipment or resources.
  • Approved events may require a designated point of contact to be present during the activity.

By utilizing UMA Libraries’ spaces, users agree to follow all library policies and ensure the spaces remain welcoming and accessible to the broader university community.

Zoom Room Guidelines

The rooms are “first come, first served” unless booked. UMA-affiliated patrons have priority of Zoom Room use over public. Public patrons have a max duration of 2 hours of room use per day. To use a Zoom Room, inquire at the Circulation Desk.

Guidelines for use of a Zoom Room include:

  • Users should not leave personal belongings or library technology unattended in the Zoom Room. Users are responsible for their own belongings and anything borrowed from the library, including headphones, laptops, and iPads.

  • When using a Zoom Room, users should be courteous to other patrons by maintaining reasonable speaking and video sound levels, and keeping the room clean by removing trash and furniture should be returned to its original place.

  • Users should be respectful of time and make sure they allow other patrons time to book each week.

Questions We Answer

The types of questions best handled by chat are ready reference (quick research and answer) and instruction in the use of LibrarySearch, the catalog, databases and journals, and other resources. For reference questions that take a longer time to research and cannot be answered during a chat session, we will either reply through e-mail or call you, providing you leave us a daytime phone number where you can be reached. The types of questions we handle by e-mail are the same as for chat. In addition, we can answer more extensive reference questions.

Questions We Do Not Answer

The following are examples of the types of questions we cannot answer, but for which we may be able to provide a source:

  • Medical or law-related advice
  • Product evaluations, appraisals
  • Legal questions, tax questions

Please be aware that the timeliness of the replies depends on when the e-mail was originally sent. If an e-mail is sent on Friday evening, or during holidays, there may be a delay in our response time.

Terms and Conditions of Chat and Email Services

Before using our services, please read the applicable rules and policies pertaining to the chat and email services. By using these services, we expect you have read the applicable rules and policies regarding the chat and email services and have agreed to these rules and policies.

Rules pertaining to the questions submitted to our services:

  • We may refuse to answer questions.
  • We may refuse services to you if we determine you are not using our services in the way in which they were meant to be used. This includes, but not limited to, questions that are: illegal, harassing, libelous, threatening, harmful, obscene, or objectionable, or that violates any applicable local, state, national, or international law or regulations.
  • You agree that your question will enter the public domain, and you will retain no ownership rights to your question.


All reference transactions are confidential. For statistical purposes, we will keep track of the questions and number of users–but not specific information on user requests. Transcripts may be kept for a period of time to help us evaluate our service and help us with collection development.