Library Services - UMA Library Portal
Library Services
University System Library Cards
A valid University of Maine System ID card (OneCard) is required to check out and request physical materials (books, DVDs, etc.). All other resources may be accessed online using your credentials, the same username and password that you use to enter MaineStreet and the campus portal.
Your UMA student ID card, OneCard, is your library card.
If you have a student ID card, the bottom number on the card is your library barcode number.
If you do not have a student ID card, please request one!
You can do this through the UMA Card Services page. Be sure to read about the card, accessing library services, and other benefits of having one.
When you receive your card, please contact UMA Libraries, to make sure your library barcode is in your record.
Reference Assistance
If you need help narrowing a topic, doing in-depth research, finding resources, answering a quick question, or tracking down a citation, please use our Live Chat, Email-A-Librarian Service, or call. All of this information is located to the left or under "Contact Us." UMA Libraries can provide reference service tailored to your research needs from the simplest question to the more complex research project. Let us know how we can help you! Also, you can reach out to the Augusta or Bangor Writing Center or VAWLT.
Article Requests
Many articles are available in the indexes and databases as full text, meaning the complete article is included for viewing. These can be printed and in most cases saved as PDFs or sent to an email account. Other article entries you encounter may only provide a limited amount of information. The full-text version of these articles can be requested through UMA Libraries. Fill out one Article Request Form for each article and submit online. It may be helpful to make note of the citation so you have all the information needed to fill out the form. Many of the databases will allow you to copy a citation directly. The following citation is an example:
Perez, L. (2013). Master librarian. Knowledge Quest, 41(4), 22-26.
Articles will be sent to you electronically at no cost to you. Information on ILLiad and the one-time registration can be found here.
Book Requests
Books and most other circulating items can be requested through LibrarySearch, the University of Maine System online catalog.
Follow the procedures outlined below in order to obtain items besides e-books. Remember that a valid University of Maine System library card is required to request material. Please contact us if you have any questions.
- From the UMA Libraries homepage, click on URSUS Library Catalog, located in Popular Resources.
- Search by title, author, keyword, subject, etc.
- When you find a title you want to request, click on the “REQUEST” option.
- Enter your name and barcode number in the boxes, as prompted. In the campus/center/site location box select your campus/center/site and click on the “Submit” button.
- Once your request has been properly submitted, you will receive the following message on the screen: “Your request has been successful”; you can now return to the list of other citations, or you can conduct a “New Search” using the main menu at the top right.
The materials will be sent via delivery service or UPS to the pickup location you selected in step 4 above. The loan period will be for four weeks, with an additional two-week renewal available upon request. Please contact the staff at the pick-up location to check if your materials have arrived for you. Please allow three to five business days for your books to arrive. Contact us if you experience a delay in delivery.
Book Renewals
Login to the LibrarySearch catalog with your credentials. You will find your current items on loan and request by clicking your name in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen.
You should check to see that the item was actually renewed, with a new due date. Sometimes an item cannot be renewed because it is overdue, another person has requested it, or it has been renewed too many times. If an item cannot be renewed, it should be returned to the library. You can also request by calling the circulation desk at Katz Library (207-621-3349) or Nottage Library (207-262-7900) for assistance.
Book Returns
Return books to any University of Maine campus or center/site on or before the due date. You will be billed for overdue books and non-return of library items and your borrowing privileges will be blocked.
Need Help? Ask a Librarian via chat or email or call the circulation desk at Katz Library (207-621-3349) or Nottage Library (207-262-7900).