Library Collaborations

UMA Libraries staff are happy to help instructors foster information literacy in their courses, whether in person or at a distance. This assistance includes in-class library instruction sessions - general library orientations, how to find and use relevant library materials, how to conduct research - as well as course design assistance, course- and subject-specific guide construction, and more.

Instruction sessions can be provided in-person or online in a variety of formats, from a brief procedural demonstration to an hour-long advanced research skills presentation to active learning exercises. Sessions can be highly customized to meet the varying needs of faculty and students. Sessions may be conducted on campus in Augusta or Bangor, at UMA sites and centers, over ITV, VC, and online.

Libraries staff are also available to provide instruction through alternative means or by offering high-touch services such as, but not limited to, live chat options in Brightspace courses, the creation of customized research videos and tutorials, and evaluation of student’s citations and references. Librarians can discuss the design of assignments for distance students, project-based alternatives, and more.

Fill out the library collaborations request form or contact the appropriate library staff to discuss our various options for your course:

To view all course- and subject-specific research guides, visit UMA Resource Guides.