Student Feedback

Course evaluations do provide feedback that is typically obtained after the semester is completed. That is great for planning for future semesters but does not help the students that already completed that course. Instructors can initiate their own formative student feedback during the semester. Student feedback can be obtained using

  • anonymous discussions such as "How is the course going so far?"
  • anonymous surveys in Brightspace 
  • Google docs
  • polls
  • one on one journals with students
  • asking students during office hours
  • exit tickets

Once you have feedback you may realize something in the course needs to be changed or updated. This is a fantastic opportunity to make revisions to support student success. Perhaps you need to update instructions on an assignment. Maybe you need to participate more in the course discussions or provide more detailed feedback. You might also realize the course organization needs a bit of restructuring. Please be sure to let students know of any changes you make to content or assessments so they are not confused if things look a little bit different.