Get Ready for the Semester Checklist - Faculty Portal
Get Ready for the Semester Checklist
Each semester you should make sure your courses are ready. If you copy your course from a previous semester it is important to check all links came through correctly, content is organized the way you want, and delete duplicate modules. If you copy an entire course, the Faculty Resources and Student Resources module will be duplicated. Be sure to delete the older one as the newer link has the latest information. You will also need to delete the Zoom link that copies over and create a new one. The copied one will not work. You do have the option to copy selected components rather than the entire course. The link below provides a checklist to ensure your course is ready for the semester. The checklist is also available in the Faculty Resources module of every course shell.
Instructions for copying a course
Get Ready for the Semester! Checklist (You will be prompted to make a copy)
Highlights of what to check each semester:
Additional items to check and resources on how to check for each item are included in the Get Ready for the Semester! Checklist.
- Modules are ordered correctly and contain the appropriate information.
- Remove any duplicate or obsolete content. If you copy your course from a previous semester be sure to delete the copied Student and Faculty Resources modules and KEEP the ones from the new shell as they may have changed.
- Links are functioning properly.
- Check Grade Wizard and Manage Grades for accuracy.
- Assignments, discussions and quizzes include the correct content and parameters.
- Revise dates in all areas of the course using bulk edit. **Access "Manage Dates" in the Course Administration tab of your course.
- Update syllabus, schedule and welcome message.
- Check course activation date. Reminder - By default all courses become "Active" one week prior to the start of the semester.
- View course as Preview Learner.