Faculty will provide students with the link to the Testing Location Registration form to sign up to take their exam(s) at the ITV site or University Center nearest to them. This alerts UC Learning Services to deliver the exam(s) to the appropriate location in a timely manner. Students select their course from the pull-down list of courses requiring on-site exams, then choose a location at which they plan to take the exam(s). Upon submitting their information, they will receive a confirmation listing the location at which they signed up and the name and phone number of the staff to contact in order to make arrangements to take their exam(s). Because the availability of space and proctors varies from location to location, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the site or Center staff at least a week prior to each exam, to make arrangements.
Regarding out-of-state students: Students outside of the state are responsible for finding a local education professional who is willing to proctor exams. Often times, students locate proctors at local libraries, schools, or testing centers. They should provide the necessary details and contact information for the proctor via the Out-of-State Testing form; University College Learning Services (UCLS) will confirm the submission via email and forward the information to your instructor. After verification, UCLS will forward the exam to the proctor.