Syllabi, Handouts, EReserves

Course Packs

A course pack is a syllabus containing additional material, such as articles and exercises*.  Any copyrighted materials, including but not limited to, articles, drawings, CDs and DVDs, must go through a clearance process before they may be broadcast or posted. Please contact Off-Campus Library Services to obtain copyright clearance and learn about the best way to get your material posted online for student access.

The library strongly recommends using EReserves, a system designed specifically for electronic course reserves in academic libraries. By using EReserves, students currently enrolled in online courses have free access to their course materials—saving money they would otherwise have had to spend on printed course packs. 

EReserves are available online to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Instructors can link resources in their Blackboard page or alternately provide students with a direct link and library-issued password. Library staff will, as a standard procedure, set a visibility date which removes courses/documents from public view at the end of each semester.

To take advantage of EReserves, a cost-free and convenient option for students to access course resources, please contact Off-Campus Library Services .  If you send an e-mail, please include your name, course name and number, and brief description of the materials you wish to place on EReserve. The library staff can assist with scanning physical documents into electronic files for placement in eReserves.

Passwords and Copyright

Faculty using electronic reserves are responsible for complying with copyright law. To help maintain a Fair Use argument for use of copyrighted materials, you must only make the password available to students enrolled in your course. 

Copyright and Fair Use

Information and resources from the American Library Association on copyright and fair use issues related to electronic reserves is available at

We recommend that your paper course syllabus/course pack minimally include:

  • an overview of the course, course goals, grading criteria
  • policies regarding attendance, class participation, late assignments
  • make-up exams, incomplete grades
  • exam dates, assignment due dates
  • meeting dates and topics to be covered in each session
  • your office hours, phone number and University email
  • the HELP line number for reporting technical problems (1-800-696-HELP)
  • the UC Learning Services number (1-800-868-7000)
  • the UMA Bookstore number (1-800-621-0083), and the following disabilities statement:

: If you have a disability which may affect your ability to participate fully in this course, it is your responsibility to request accommodations promptly. Contact the Learning Support Services Office, or Coordinator of Student Services at your campus or center to discuss possible assistance. Accommodations are not provided retroactively.


We can also distribute handouts on an as-needed basis. Handouts to be distributed during the semester should be received by University College (c/o UC Learning Services) copyright-cleared and in camera-ready form two weeks prior to the date your students will use them.

If you plan to distribute a large number of handouts during the semester (in excess of 30), we strongly recommend that you include them in your digital course pack.

 *Exercises and other ‘consumables’ published for purchase by students are not eligible for eReserves.