Before the start of each semester, we communicate with prospective and enrolled students about the courses you deliver at a distance. Here are some of our most effective methods.
Mass Mailings. Approximately two months before the start of each semester, we mail postcards to thousands of households located in areas surrounding UMS centers and sites. This mailing is designed to inform the public about the upcoming registration period and to direct prospective students to courses listed on our website or to UMA-Academic Logistics (UMA-AL) toll-free phone number, where they can request a hard copy of our course guide, ask questions, and register for courses.
World Wide Web. The online distance learning course guide provides general information for beginning students, including university tuition rates, add/drop periods, bookstore hours and more. Primarily, the guide offers a comprehensive listing, including descriptions and prerequisites, of the distance courses that the will offer via ITV, videoconference or the Web.
UMA-Academic Logistics (UMA-AL) Services. UMA-AL is a one-stop information center for students taking courses at a distance. Accessible through a toll-free number (1-800-868-7000) and e-mail, UMA-AL can help students:
register for courses.
access online courses and obtain necessary course materials.
connect with a student services coordinator in his/her region to discuss degree, course or career options.
For faculty, UMA-AL can also:
provide you with up-to-date enrollment data.
contact your online students who don’t attend classes after the first week to determine if they plan to drop the course or have technical or other problems getting started.
email letters of introduction to students, including special instructions from you.
We welcome suggestions for other ways that we can prepare students for success in your courses. If you have suggestions or questions regarding pre-semester communications with students, please contact UMA-AL.