LXD Supports, LEAD Course - Faculty Portal
LXD Supports for Course Design
Leading to Authentic and Inspired Teaching
We are here to support your course design and instruction as needed. Learning Experience Designers (LXDs) are available to collaborate with you as you design and teach your courses. We can work together to:
- design your course
- develop curriculum
- discuss best practices
- align learning outcomes to content and assessments
- create assessments
- consider your course from the student perspective
- review your course and provide suggestions for revisions
- prepare for the next iteration of the course
- discuss pedagogy
You may decide to request an "informal" review from one of UMA's learning experience designers. There is no application required. Simply reach out via email (uma-lxd@maine.edu) or in a Jira ticket. We can work with you as you design your course, after it is designed, or after you have taught the course. In addition to help when you need it, specific ways to work with UMA's LXD's are identified below and include the LEAD Course and the Distance Course Development Grant.
You can also access the Faculty Development Center (FDC) for Live Zoom meetings or support resources on the FDC website.
LEAD Course
UMA’s learning experience designers have created a professional development opportunity for all UMA faculty and staff. The Learning, Experience, and Design Course (LEAD Course) supports participants in gaining a deeper understanding of multiple aspects of course design, including a variety of learning theories, universal design, accessibility, and authentic learning experiences and assessments.
This is a 6-week asynchronous course with weekly content and assignment deadlines. While there are no required live meetings, we host a weekly Live Zoom Chat on Friday mornings where participants can engage with each other and facilitators, enhancing the experience. Participants receive feedback on all components of the course from the course facilitator and engage in asynchronous discussions. Each week represents roughly 2 to 4 hours of work, depending on how deeply participants want to dive into the content or apply their learning in designing learning experiences for their future courses.
As a result of completing the LEAD Course, you will earn a certificate of completion. Successfully completing the LEAD course also permits faculty hired after 9/1/2022 the option to apply for the Distance Course Development Grant.
If you’re interested in registering, please complete the LEAD Course Description and Registration form and we will enroll you. Contact us with questions: uma-lxd@maine.edu