UMA Faculty Development Center

Just ask. We'll help

Resolve your issues instantly:

Mon-Fri:  10am - 4pm


AUGUSTA (Katz 208):
Mon - Thu, 10am - 4pm 
BANGOR (Belfast 105):
Tue: 10am - 4:00pm

Report a Problem or Email Us at


Help us to help you! Provide us with...
  • A link to the course. At the very least the title and course code.
  • Specifics - include the module name or assignment name connected to your question.
  • Location - where in the course is the issue occurring?
  • Details - What is the issue/question?
  • Examples - include an example if possible.
  • Screenshots are great!

Leave a voice message for a call-back: 207-262-7979

RLE Support

The FDC is available throughout the summer to help RLE faculty with visioning and designing their RLE courses in alignment with the RLE program outcomes and their disciplinary goals. 

Here are some of the questions we can help you explore:

  • How do I generate learning outcomes for my RLE?
  • How (and to what extent) do I align my course-level student learning outcomes with the RLE program learning outcomes (PLOs) (opens in Google Doc)?
  • What types of learning activities and experiences will provide opportunities for students to achieve my set learning outcomes?
  • What type of assessment will be best for my course? 
  • What are the expectations for program assessment in my RLE course?
  • What tools are available (e.g., ArcGIS Online, the Hackerspace, etc…)?
Individualized Consultations

Faculty at any time can request individualized consultations (UMS login required) to help you think through your RLE.