UMA Faculty Development Center

Just ask. We'll help

Resolve your issues instantly:

Mon-Fri:  10am - 4pm


AUGUSTA (Katz 208):
Mon - Thu, 10am - 4pm 
BANGOR (Belfast 105):
Tue: 10am - 4:00pm

Report a Problem or Email Us at


Help us to help you! Provide us with...
  • A link to the course. At the very least the title and course code.
  • Specifics - include the module name or assignment name connected to your question.
  • Location - where in the course is the issue occurring?
  • Details - What is the issue/question?
  • Examples - include an example if possible.
  • Screenshots are great!

Leave a voice message for a call-back: 207-262-7979

Upload an MP4 Video to Your Class

How to Add an MP4 Video to Blackboard with Kaltura
  1. Go to the content area in your course where you want to place the video.
  2. Click the Build Content menu and select Kaltura Media under Mashups.
  3. On the My Media screen, click the Add New menu and select Media Upload.
  4. On the next screen, click the Choose a file to upload button.
  5. Locate the mp4 file on your computer, select it, and then click Open.
  6. Enter a title, description, and tags for your video and click Save.
  7. When the video is finished uploading, click the link that says Back to Browse and Embed.
  8. Click the Select button next to the video you uploaded.
  9. Enter a title and click the Submit button.
  10. Your video is now added as a thumbnail in your class.