UMA Faculty Development Center

Just ask. We'll help

Resolve your issues instantly:

Mon-Fri:  10am - 4pm


AUGUSTA (Katz 208):
Mon - Thu, 10am - 4pm 
BANGOR (Belfast 105):
Tue: 10am - 4:00pm

Report a Problem or Email Us at


Help us to help you! Provide us with...
  • A link to the course. At the very least the title and course code.
  • Specifics - include the module name or assignment name connected to your question.
  • Location - where in the course is the issue occurring?
  • Details - What is the issue/question?
  • Examples - include an example if possible.
  • Screenshots are great!

Leave a voice message for a call-back: 207-262-7979

Kaltura Tutorials for Faculty

View the tutorials below to learn the basics of using Kaltura for teaching and learning in your Blackboard class. Click the links for printed step-by-step instructions and view the videos to see the steps in action.

Download Kaltura Personal Capture Software : Record videos on your computer using the Kaltura Personal Capture recorder. Follow these steps to download and install the software.



icon for sharing

Kaltura (on Windows computers only) and Zoom allow you to send computer audio to the remote attendees when sharing a video or audio clip.  

Getting Around My Media: My Media is where all of your videos are stored.

Record a video using Kaltura Capture recorderUse the Kaltura Capture recorder to record webcam videos, screencasts, PowerPoints, and podcasts, then add them to any Blackboard course.

Add Kaltura Videos in Blackboard Using Build Content & Tools MashupYou can add Kaltura videos in any Content Area in your course using Build Content or Tools.

Kaltura (on Windows computers only) and Zoom allow you to send computer audio to the remote attendees when sharing a video or audio clip.  


Add Videos to the Course Media GalleryThe Course Media Gallery is a place in your course where you can store a collection of videos or allow students to upload videos for the rest of the class to see.

Add Kaltura Videos in Blackboard Using the Text EditorYou can add videos in your class anywhere you can find the rich text editor.

Upload Videos on the GoUpload video from KMS Go mobile app for iPhone and Android.

Edit Captions in Kaltura: Edit the automatic captions for your videos.

Kaltura Video Player: see the many features of the Kaltura Video Player.

Share Kaltura Media Outside Blackboard NEW: Get a shareable link to allow others outside Blackboard to see your multimedia.

Video CollaborationShare videos with your peers so they can edit and/or publish them in their Blackboard courses.