NEEDS REVISITING Teaching Online: A Community of Practice for Distance Faculty

Teaching Online: A Community of Practice for Distance Faculty

Would you like to learn more about teaching online? Do you want to take your distance learning to the next level? Did you know you can connect with colleagues around the system in a Blackboard Community of Practice? Join Teaching Online: A Community of Practice for Distance Faculty to complete a certificate in online teaching, find an extensive library of tutorials, or discuss distance learning with other faculty at any campus.

[Certificate Track]

New to Blackboard?
Develop your skills

A learn at your own pace course for new online instructors and novices

Your primer to online learning
Course design basics
Preparing students for success
and more…


Connect, reflect, and create  with peers

Connect your with colleagues in faculty-designed discussion threads

Collaborate with like-minded educators at UMS campuses around the state
Subscribe to interesting discussions
and more…


Select your own training

Pick and choose topics to suit your needs, and contribute to ever-expanding topics like

Instructional & Web Design
Getting the most from Google & Blackboard
Creating instructional materials
and more…


Click Here Now
To Enroll

**Note: UMA faculty seeking a professional development stipend for the Short Course must obtain pre-approval for this request from their Deans and Provost’s offices prior to pursuing the course.