Authentic Assessments

Authentic assessments are strategies for measuring learning through real world applications. They are authentic in that they go beyond rote memorization and focus on applying what was learned by incorporating critical thinking, problem solving, and higher order thinking. Authentic assessments are applicable and meaningful to learners because the experiences relate to their needs, interests, and goals. The content supports the learners' ability to know and to do (Jopp, 2019).

Authentic assessments offer the opportunity to demonstrate understanding and competence in ways that resemble real-life situations. These assessments often involve complex, open-ended tasks that require students to apply their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways. Examples of authentic assessments in higher education include case studies, simulations, group projects, portfolio assessments, and performance-based assessments.

Advantages of authentic assessments include the promotion of deeper learning by requiring students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information rather than simple recall. They also foster the development of transferable skills, as students apply their knowledge to authentic, real-world problems. 

Authentic assessments provide a more accurate representation of students' abilities because they reflect the complexity and demands of the disciplines or professions they are studying. These assessments better prepare students for future careers by bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world application (Wratcher & Dapra, 2022).


Teachings in Education. (n.d.) Authentic Assessment: Examples & Overview. Retrived from

Authentic assessments are:

  • meaningful - clear why they are learning something
  • memorable - can use beyond the classroom
  • motivational - want to learn and show what they know

Link to a brief article describing what authentic assessment is and how it is beneficial with some guidance on how to design authentic assessments (Center for Teaching and Learning, 2023).

Paper describing authentic assessment and what traits are present based on theory and research (Reeves, Herrington, & Oliver, 2002).


Center for Teaching and Learning. (2023). Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom. Wiley Education Services. Retrieved from

Jopp, R. (2019). What is authentic assessment and do we need it in higher education? Campus Review. Retrieved from

Reeves, T.C. Herrington, J. and Oliver, R. (2002). Authentic activities and online learning. ECU Publications. Retrieved from

Wratcher, M.A. & Dapra, J.M. (2022). Authentic learning: Real-life learning for real-world student success, part one. The Teaching Professor. Retrieved from

Wratcher, M.A. & Dapra, J.M. (2022). Authentic learning: Real-life learning for real-world student success, part one. The Teaching Professor. Retrieved from