Check All Incoming Papers for Plagiarism - Faculty Portal
Accessing Plagiarism Reports in SafeAssign
A SafeAssign originality report provides detailed information about the
matches found between a student's submitted paper and existing sources.
Learn MoreAboutAccessing Plagiarism Reports in SafeAssign
Checking All Incoming Papers for Plagiarism - SafeAssign
Almost identical to an Assignment, a SafeAssignment only allows you to
upload certain file types and is automatically checked for plagiarism.
Instructors may also upload individual "suspicious" student papers for
plagiarism check.
Learn MoreAboutChecking All Incoming Papers for Plagiarism - SafeAssign
Plagiarism Detection Tool -SafeAssign (4:24)
Blackboard’s plagiarism detection tool, called SafeAssign, is for
instructors' use to discourage plagiarism in student works. To initiate an
automatic plagiarism detection process for all student submissions, you
simply create a regular Blackboard Assignment and activate “Plagiarism
Tools” in its settings.
Learn MoreAboutPlagiarism Detection Tool -SafeAssign (4:24)