Blackboard Display Page - Faculty Portal
Teaching & Learning with Blackboard
This video will give you a quick overview of some of the most important
instructional tools in Blackboard, such as the Announcements tool, adding
multimedia, Discussion Forums, and Assignments.
Learn MoreAboutTeaching & Learning with Blackboard
Copy your Bb Course content into a New Course
Copying course materials into a new course will add content to a course,
but it won't remove existing content. You can only copy materials into a
course if you have the role of instructor, teaching assistant (TA), or
course builder.
Learn MoreAboutCopy your Bb Course content into a New Course
Calculating Grades
It's almost that time of the semester again....time to pull up your Excel
spreadsheets, your calculator and red pen, and a box of Kleenex to sop up
the tears of frustration from calculating grades manually. Wouldn't it be
great if there was a program that calculated all of those assignments and
percentages for you? There is!
Learn MoreAboutCalculating Grades
Getting around in Blackboard (13:46)
Navigating Blackboard.
Learn MoreAboutGetting around in Blackboard (13:46)

Adding other Content (20:33)
Learn how to add other types of files and media.
Learn MoreAboutAdding other Content (20:33)
Make Your Course Available
When courses are created, they are unavailable to students until the
instructor decides to make the course available. Once you decide that the
course is ready and you make it available, MaineStreet will populate your
course with a student roster in 24 hours. Here's how to make your course
Learn MoreAboutMake Your Course Available
Inserting an iFrame into Blackboard
iFrames will allow you to embed content from another website directly
alongside your own materials. Learn the basics of how to insert an iframe
in Blackboard and get access to the list of supported domains.
Learn MoreAboutInserting an iFrame into Blackboard